A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Boxing Day down under
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas concert

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Powerhouse museum
teachers notes from the exhibition tell you more about the six women and why they were chosen.
Two women in particular interested me. I liked the art pieces of Bronwyn Bancroft and I was intrigued to see, when I later went on her website that in her gallery of work for sale she has some pieces entitled Life Weaving. These reminded me instantly of the gorgeous Dreamline series of quilts done by Brenda Gael Smith. Those quilts in turn have always reminded me strongly of the art of Patrick Tjungarrai.
Do the rest of you seem the same similarity?
The other woman, Larissa Behrendt had no art connection at all but if you read her wikipedia biography you will understand why I was fascinated with her story! She is one year older than me and makes me look like a right professional slacker! But then there is no evidence she knows how to make a quilt...!
Happy Christmas!
I have just seen on the news here that there is a high risk of bushfire in South Australia and of course my home country is currently under snow with people having problems travelling so I just wanted to say that I hope that wherever you are and whatever your plans are that you stay safe over the coming days and that you find happiness in whatever you do.
And that Santa puts fabric in your stockings. Or around your dreidel/ Kwanzaa kinara. Or just leaves it on your door step!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Dreamers
So, one day in Sydney I went to the Art Gallery of new South Wales to see the Dreamers exhibition. Unfortunately photography is forbidden, but you too can see most but not, sadly, all my favourite pieces, on this short video by the curator which gives you a pretty good idea.
If you watch it behind his shoulder and later again on the video appear several standup figures. Those did capture my imagination and lead to all kinds of thoughts as to how I might achieve a quilt dealing with Jewish Divorce issue which has been in my head a while waiting for me to get the technical capacity to achieve it. Those pieces were done by Judy Watson and her other pieces not shown also grabbed me as although they were pastels they could easily have been screen printing.
The video also shows one piece by Kitty Kantilla which was the other artists whose work set off all kinds of fireworks. One which is not shown struck me as a painted stitch sampler - if that makes any sense! You can see lots of examples of her work here
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saritta King

Christmas trees
Sunday, December 20, 2009
More men
Big Brave Girl
Which oddly it didn't. From the walkway you go up metal stairs through the concrete pylons, coming out at roughly road/train level. then you climb I think four ladders, which you can just see in this photo running steeply from the perspex 'cage' at bottom right. That takes you out onto the arch which is much wider and solid and feels pretty natural to be on. Mine was the last group to get to the top before an electrical storm hit and seeing as we were standing on what is probably the biggest lightening conductor in the Southern hemisphere, they hustled people off it quick smart. But before that we got a great sunset view, a display of lightening over the Blue Mountains and of course the panoramic harbor view. I'd do it all again if it didn't cost such a ridiculous amount of money. But I'd have a body double for the shots of my backside with all that equipment hanging off it.
Sydney fabric
We also visited Prints Charming - where we were treated to gingerbread having walked through the door juts as the packet was being opened! Their stuff is very cheery and modern and distinctive but doesn't really fit with what I buy and use so I just bought a small piece of linen with a design for embroidery printed on which I thought would go in a small bag and then when we went to Quiltsmith I got a fat quarter to go with it. (Yes, just one! it was some kind of miracle or heat stroke or something as the shop is huge).
One for Rayna
Oh and yes, to get that photo you do actually have to lie flat on your back on the pavement. But you know - anything for my readers...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Missing links
Yipee skippee! It works!
From the business centre of the Shangri-la
I have been shopping with Erica who enabled me to buy a lot of aboriginal designed fabric here. I was fortunate enough to visit these girls, the day before they close for a month and also to see the huge choice of fabric here although only one FQ actually called out to me. We then went to visit Lisa Walton where I bought a fair pile of her fabric but still regret not buying more. But the man from Qantas weight control, he say, no. (Which, I suppose is why she does mail order :))
I went here this morning and ate an Indonesian vegetable pancake and a huge strawberry jam doughnut for breakfast. One or the other would have been good. Both of them - well, its 4.30pm now and I am still pondering the wisdom of my choice.
I bought some art by this artist. It is a small version from this series. I would have bought a great big version in a blue colourway but Dennis hates all aboriginal art so I bought just a tiny piece to hang somewhere he won't see it! It's funny - I like Aboriginal Art full stop but in each gallery I have been to (and I have been to everyone I can find!) I am instantly drawn to work by this artist even when it was from other quite different series that I had never seen. Weird. Or maybe because she is unusually young the art is fresher and inspired by tradition rather than tied by tradition?
I was interested and inspired by this exhibition , this one and this one too - my sketchbook overfloweth. (And will in a couple months appear on my website I expect when I get home and can post photos and articles).
Oh and I did this too. As ever, I arrived early and was bumped to a group ten minutes before my scheduled start time just so I didn't have to hang around. The only time the climb does not operate is when there is an electrical storm within 10km. When we were climbing they pointed out lightening way over the Blue Mountains but then it started to move closer and my group was the last one allowed to the top - all others were hustled down quick smart for the night and re-booked.
Thank you for your 'keep blogging' comments'after my last post and Linda, I did immediately think of Firefox but how can I download it if I can't get online?! 'Its very frustrating!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Laptop malfunction
But fear not - I shall give you retrospective posts when I get home
Friday, December 11, 2009
Milford Sound
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A little house with attitude
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Maori raincloaks ( to excess)
Or so I momentarily thought. Then I realised it was the bare lighting wires the builders doing the renovations had partially installed. Proof that the definition of art is in the attitude of the viewer!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
A woman's view of Christchurch
Canterbury Fibres
I nominate Alastair for Quilter's Husband of the Year for that but I fear he will not win as I also have to tell you that my very own husband wandered up to me when I was in the Quilter's Barn just outside Blenheim en route to Kaikoura and found me stroking the very same fabric I had bought a half meter of in Picton for a rather exorbitant price.
On day two the cloud suddenly shifted slightly and we got a glimpse of mountains we hadn't even known were there until then. This view from our apartment deck lasted, oh, ten minutes. Then more mist, drizzle, cloud and other forms of damp precipitation.
However, there was a short lull when we went to the seal colony. There must be some seals somewhere.....
Oh, there he is! Fast asleep and sheltering from the rain. We took his example.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Montana World of Wearable Art