Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I am back! Although this is a quick post as I am off to London tomorrow and need an early night. But this you should know.....

This book, which I found by accident in Borders in Leeds, is wonderful. Anyone starting a City and Guilds should buy it as a text book. Anyone not but wanting to know about design should buy it. It is readable and beautiful. It goes thought all the design principles illustrating each several times with different art forms, including some quilts. It also uses the most amazing range of teapots I have ever seen!

Plus, it was only £9.99. Bargain. Or I thought so until I found that Amazon have it for only £6.49. Well worth the price.


Garnered Stitches said...

I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms from not having a recent post to read!!!
Book looks fascinating, gives me an excuse to go on Amazon, bye...

Sara said...

Okay, I ordered the book from Amazon because of your rave. Now I'm looking out the window asking, "Is that the delivery truck?"