At the moment they have an art exhibition around the gardens. I was much taken with the shapes in this 'blobule' - a wooden hut in which a woman who was not allowed to speak served free herbal tea ( strange but wonderful!)
A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tatton park
At the moment they have an art exhibition around the gardens. I was much taken with the shapes in this 'blobule' - a wooden hut in which a woman who was not allowed to speak served free herbal tea ( strange but wonderful!)
Serengeti beauty blocks
I intend to vary the colour placements and add some new colour 'families' including greens - these are just the start!
Monday, May 26, 2008
On Thursday I have a break to prevent RSI setting in and to take my Mum shopping for clothes and then I have a Friday to Sunday weekend to get more done! I have a list which I pared down to make achieveable but I still think I'll be doing well even with all that time!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Serengeti beauty
What does a girl with a new CD Rom drive, a not much to do at work and only football on TV in the evening do with herself?
She loads the Karen Stone CD Rom and wastes lots of time colouring in small foundation pieces:
It might need one or two additions though....!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Laptop update
Its not even nine o'clock yet
Nothng wrong with the disc but my computer has forgotten it has a CD drive. It's just not there anymore. I mean the drawer that slides in and out is there but the hard drive doesn't know it. Restarting did not work. Shouting at it , "But I need these foundations for class on Saturday" does not work.
So, PCWorld it is. Which will be the equivalent of being taken to hospital with unmatching underwear because the keyboard is filthy but I have run out of cleaner. I am hoping that there is some quick software thing they can do because otherwise it is either a repair (which means losing the laptop for weeks no doubt), or a new laptop , which is always a kind of happy thing (new/ shiny and then I'd actually have one with a battery that recharges which mine does not do at present and I can avoid buying cleaner for a while longer) but only if you don't think about the cost and the time it takes to reload all the programmes ( which always involves a call to India for some code or other.)
Sigh. Off to make sure all my files ore backed up.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Home again

I think our ideas were clearer in our heads than on our sketches for each other. He is making two pulley systems as we speak and they are to be couriered down to me this week. Thanks to we found suitable pulleys. More one the design later. Meanwhile the decorators have made a start on the hall today.
From there we went to Worcester as a base for Quilts UK for the weekend. This was one of my favourite quilts made by Sylvia Haines
Only one small annoyance to spoil two days of quilt viewing and shopping: I went to buy a certain product I shall not identify. I had seen it online with this supplier and it would cost £64.50. At the show they had a big sign - buy at the show and get a 'fantastic gift'. Well who is to say no? I was presented with my gift option (microstitch gun or plastic project bag, neither of which I really wanted that much) and a purchase form with a price which now forget but which was over £80. Huh? I commented that the price was more than online and I'd rather buy it that way for less. Quickly an alternative purchase form was pulled from a table at the back of the stand and put in front of me for the show discount price of £63. Is it just me or is that shabby practice? Isn't a 'gift' something I don't pay for?!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Yorkshire airlines
Doing it the hard way
Monday, May 12, 2008
But, I will soon run out of them so, when I saw this notebook in York, it was so appropriate that I 'had' to invest in a new set. ( The spines all match nicely on the shelf!)
Also this week I discovered Google Notebooks. (Those of you who found all this stuff last year can you please stop rolling your eyes and cut me some slack here?!) It is not available for Internet Explorer 7 but I was able to download an extension to Firefox which enables a little notebook to be available as you browse the web. You can then drag information into it and make notes. It came in very handy when I was surfing umpteen online shops and trying to compare prices and the best place to buy all my supplies for Sue's class. Another one has also proved a much more sensible place to store several tree of life images I had located by way of research a quilt than simply bookmarking each individual page. Given that you can share these notebooks, I feel another coming on with a list of good quilt related presents to be sent to Dennis in due course!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tutorial on Google Reader
Firefox users
1.Go to Google Reader and sign in.
2.In my version there is a link “ Manage subscriptions” Click on that.
That will take you to a Settings page.
4.That will bring up an article to Add Google Reader to your Bookmark
Now, check first that you have the bookmarks tool bar open.
In Firefox click on View at the top then Toolbars then check the Bookmarks toolbar.
5.Then, you can use the little button that is in the Google Reader article under the line “To use the next bookmark, simply drag the link below to your bookmark bar.”
Do what it says – drag it to the word Bookmarks.
I found that I automatically got a new icon “Next” appearing at the top of my screen.
6.Then do exactly the same thing with the Subscribe button which is also in the Google reader article.
7. Go to some blogs you like. When you get to each of them click the subscribe button. It will take you to the Google reader page and ask you to click the button there to subscribe. Obviously to only need to this once for each blog you read.
Note – I have been having problems on and off with this button. If you get a message saying Ooops no feed when you try to drag it try later – it eventually worked for me but now tonight I get the same message again. Meanwhile you can manually subscribe by going into Google Readers and using the Add subscription button and just typing in the blog address to start you off.
8. To read your blogs in the future you can just click on the next icon in Firefox and it takes you to the next updated post. When you run out of new posts it (rather scarily!) tells you that you have reached the end of the internet! The advice you get if you make one more lcik is however rather funny! (once)
The wonderful thing is that it also displays comments so you don’t even have to click to see those. When you first subscribe to a blog it shows you several unread entries. ( Unread according to Google Reader that is– you may actually have read them if you have been to the blog directly. Just scroll through them to get Reader up to date with you and next time you will only see new posts.
Internet Explorer 7
(I vaguely remember in Internet Explorer 6 you do this from a drop down Favourites option in the menu bar. If (as one person who emailed complained) there is no reference to Favourites then I think you may be missing your menu bar. In that case go to The Icon for Tools ( over to the left of the screen) and click. From the menu that comes up you will then have an option menu bar – make sure that it checked.
- That brings up an Article about Google reader that has a little Next button and instructions to click and drag. Click and drag to the favourites column. Do the same for the subscribe button which is also in the article.
- In the menu bar click on favourites, then Organize Favourites. Move the Next button and the Subscribe Button you just added to Favourites to the Links folder. Close down your favourites.
- Now check where on Internet Explorer your Links option is. This is where I spent literally hours trying to work out the crucial next bit – how to get the Next and Subscribe buttons available at all times.
- If you are like I was the Links option is a little word at the left of the screen with a double arrow. It is useless here! Go to View in the menu Bar, choose tool bars and uncheck Lock Toolbars. This allows you to drag things around. Drag the word Links over to the left under the word File and it should create a new line and show you what is in the Links folder. ( basically if you have the Links word somewhere were it has no space to expand you lose sight of the Next button. Bingo! Two new icons – Next and Subscribe.
- Now, to read your blogs follow point 8 above.
If you do not have either of the above browsers I suggest you get them - just Google them and it is easy to get the free downloads.For those of you into Igoogle pages you can also add Reader to your portal page – but that is for another day!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Magazine swap anyone?
Sadly I didn't think the standard of exhibits was anywhere near as good as their last show, but it is always a pleasure to be surrounded by quilts. (Or maybe that's becuase their last show was the first I ever went you and I have seen more quilts of different types and standards since then?)The group focuses on traditional quilts- mostly it seems made from book patterns, kits or in classes with several quilts made entirely from printed panels. Nothing wrong with that per se but I would have preferred to see more original designs and some art quilts.
This one by Gwynneth Wray was an exception to my general impression and the one I picked for my voters choice. I met her in the carpark later and found out that the letters are painted with Dylon fabic paint
The best thing of the show was that they had two boxes of The Quilter Magazine for sale at 10 p each. I offered them £5 for the lot as neither of us could be bothered to count them there and then. The result is that I have 83 magazines!
However, there are a few doubles and I had the most recent three already. So, I have a proposal. I will swap any three of these for one copy of the recent Studios special magazine produced by Quilters Arts. If you are overseas though I will be sending by surface mail which takes 56 days otherwise the postage outweighs the benefits.
The Quilter is not a pattern magazine. It is the official magazine of the Quilters Guild of the UK and contains articles on heritage quilts as well as modern design, art quilts as well as comment and technique / inspiration articles. It currently has 40 pages and some issues have a free magazine inside called Textile Perspectives. Email me or comment if you are interested.
If there is ayone in the UK who wants the others I have and can pay the postage, again contact me for details of which ones I have.
Meanwhile, my education continues - this morning I downloaded Firefox in which Google Reader works much, much better. Now I understand why that next button is so good. I love how it shows the comments too. And now I am off to learn how to use Google notebooks... and maybe read a magazine or two.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Plus - and laugh at my ignorance if you like - I discovered Igoogle tonight. Who knew?! I used to have the plain vanilla Google search page and my home page. Now I have Google Reader, Art Quilt of the Day, Quilts Channel, Bookmarks (the non-favourites version!), CNN News, BBC Radio, a currency conversion calculator , sticky notes -pictures of penguins and all kinds.
At present I am writing this on Dennis' laptop because I am downloading Internet Explorer 7 on mine - I didn't even know I was on an old version until tonight.
And what actually started all this? Well, I have been reading up about designing web pages because I am thinking of embarking on my own web site. Something tells me this will not be a straightforward process, but no one can say I do not persevere and get results in the end
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Confused of St.Helens
Your comments on my last post were extremely helpful (keep them coming). I especially liked this U tube video explanation for RSS feeds that Lisa sent me. It seems that Google Reader is flavour of the month. I can find that. I can even get to the goodies page and the instructions to get the raved about ' next' button and the terribly convenient 'subscribe' button. I can read well enough to see that all I must do is drag the little button to my bookmark bar.
But where the ****** is my bookmark bar?!
Sorry, I have been puzzling this out for over an hour now. Or not, to be more accurate.
Dragging to the little bookmark word on my google toolbar doesn't work. So what am I missing?
I think I will get a pencil and paper and write a list of all the blogs I like. That should do it.
How do you read yours?
Do you have a list that you read every day or do you splurge on a Sunday morning?
Do you use an aggregator or type in addresses?
Do you go to the blog of everyone who comments on your blog or do you stick to your favourites? (If the latter I guess if you are here I should say thank you!)
Do you surf blogrings lists?
Do you have the faintest idea what an RSS feed actually does?
I confess I am not as good a reader as I want to be. I have one blog which I log onto every day without fail as soon as I switch on my computer (Oh go on, I'll show favouritism - its this one!).
Then I use blogs as a break when I am working ( like I should be now) or to catch up a bit after I hae done my post which might be in front of the TV, laptop on knee in the evening. I have a handful I always check, and I always go to one who have just left me a comment. Indeed from time to time I am very pleasantly surprsied when someone I consider a' big name' (i.e someone I 'know' from a magazine or big website) suddenly comments on my little old blog out of nowhere (thank you Lisa Walton and Ami Simms most recently) but then I have ooodles of blogs that I forget about for days or weeks on end then remember. Then I feel guilty because I love these blogs and I didn't spend time catching up with my 'friends'. ( I have to use inverted commas because my Mum tells me that you could all be dangerous lunatics and it is dangerous to let you close enough to be a friend without knowing you in the flesh. This is from a woman who runs a B&B and lets strangers sleep in her house!)
I know about Bloglines and I should try harder with it but somehow it annoys me - I end up opening the blog separately to see it better. So I ignore it for ages then I log on and there are thirty squillion entries to read ( most of which I actually read already because I went direct to the blog).
So I guess what I am saying is (a) if you have a more organised method let me know and (b) if you want me to read your blog frequently comment here frequently - a blank message will do the trick!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
More help needed
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Pulley systems