A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Swaps and applique
So, some swap news first
My ATCs got potsed on another blog by the recipent in Germany. Her blog is all about swaps so take a look and see if you fancy joining in.
2. I have four new swaps I started on Swap-bot if you fancy trying it out. They are all letter ones for cheapness.
(a) Know How - we all know things and that's what makes us interesting . So this one requires a letter including a fact you learned from work, a little something you can teach your partner to do (Eg a recipie, a craft tip, a dance step) and a funny or interesting general knowledge factoid
(b) 24 hours in the life of. ... what seems every day to one person is a really fascinating 'other life' to someone else. Plus when we stop to observe what we have around us and do we often are amazed by what we take for granted. In this letterwe will give details of our life and routine for a 24 hour period
(c) In case of fire.... If the house was on fire and your family and pets were safe and it was safe for you to get 10 things out what would they be and why are they so important to you?
(d) Ready Steady Cook. Post six ingredients you love or want to know how to cook. Your parnter will send you at least three recipies each of which will use at least one of your ingredients.
As for quilting. I started working on an appliqued block in Jacobean style today - tulips and leaves on a green stem swirl on cream background. The exact opposite of the precision doesn't matter routine of yesterday. Its for a a gift quilt - hence a different style to my usual quilting. Its very slow butI enjoyed handsewing whilst watching a film. Only trouble is I have a thread emergency - I forgot to buy the green silk thread I need. Thank goodness for Hazel at Just Sew who I know will post it tomorrow and open a tab for me!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My kind of quilting
Finally, I ended my last post with a flip comment about travelling up by train. In fact had I done so I would probably have been on the train that crashed. I can't really say 'There for the grace of God...' because it was only a fleeting consideration to be environmentally friendly to go by train but it does make you think about making the most of life and appreciating family.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Travelin' heavy
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
New books

"all washed up
after a wild night
Guinness froth
on a seaweed moustache."
However the real reason the book is so special it it is the first one from new publishers Two Ravens Press founded by my special friend Sharon Blackie. I'm not on a commssion but I'd love it if you just checked out the website and had a browse at the books they have coming out shortly.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
First ever ATCs
Monday, February 19, 2007
Little and Large
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I'm back!

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Quilting problem
Firstly, do any of you use those plastic machine quilting hoops with the hand grips and if so are they better than the gloves with the plastic stipples on that I am using?
Secondly, I have a problem which I suspect is all about tension but I don't know how to fix it. If I have the top tension at less than 5 I get this on the back - stitching lines perpendicular to the sewing line.
However set at around 5 the top thread keeps breaking.
What doI do to fix this?
Friday, February 09, 2007
Studio loss / button space
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Snow snark
At seven thirty I started the media search. Virgin rail's web site said that there was a'revised timetable' but failed to provide it. The link to National Rail did not work. Typing in the website for National Rail led to a crashed website. I tried Ceefax on TV. Virgin rail are running a revised service. Check their website. I tried again. Same same.
I rang. Their recorded message told me that it was snowing so they were busy and I should ring back, then cut me off. I listened to the radio. It told me there was a revised service and I should check the website. I did. Still nothing. I rang again and got cut off.
I sent a text to the conference organiser who was already at the hotel in Watford.
He rang back and said, "I'm looking out of the window and its all white. Don't come."
So I didn't.
At lunch time Dennis came up to the study, where I was busy being very grateful for a spare day to catch up on a pile of lecture notes that needed writing, to tell me that Virgin Rail were on the TV news. Their press statement was that I should travel tomorrow instead.
Is it just me?
Monday, February 05, 2007
Button teaser
So saying that each button averages an inch in diameter and is one eighth of an inch thick (such estimate being based on the dimension of pyjama buttons) and saying that they were kept stacked up in drawers the size of our bedroom ones, which are about 3 feet by 1.5 feet, how many of those drawers would it take to store 80,000 buttons?
Answers on a comment post please.
Really - I have a strange nagging desire to know. I don't know why.
Also Rachel's website has some great art quilts with buttons on - check out the link on her name above. They make me want to collect buttons..... perhaps that's why I have that strange desire to know the storage required....!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Join my swap!
I have set up two.
The first is a Fabric Swap with a difference. We will be swapping a fat quarter or the equivalent in charms or strips of one colour group, together with some pictures from magazines or the like which show that colour being used to good effect with others. The idea is to give you a 'free' bit of material to experiment with and to stretch you to put it with colours you would not normally have chosen.
(Readers who have done the colour portfolio of the City and Guilds certificate may recognise my inspiration!)
The second will be even lighter on postage being a fun Know How swap. All it requires is a letter telling your partner
(a) instructions on how to do somethng you know how to do eg. a craft project or a recepie or dance step - anything
(b) an interesting fact relating to your job or if you do not work outside the home, home or child related fact
(c) a funny or intriguing general knowledge fact
Then send a small light gift like a postcard or bookmark with some relevance to one of the facts. That gift can be homemade or store bought.
If you do join my swap because you read this can you let me know with a comment either here or on the comment facilty on the swap page.
For readers who have not yet found Swap-bot it is a forum for all kinds of swaps, is free to join and allows you contact with people all over the world (which I assume you like if you are reading blogs!). You pick which swaps you get involved in and they include things like pen pal letters, chocolate, magazines, ATCs , teas etc. A ratings system operates to weed out bad swappers to give you confidence in joining in. Check it out!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Quliting break
So I just want to say thank you to all of you who contacted me about my hands either via comment or privately ( dnomder yes I would love you to send me your dietary guidelines - my email is available on my profile).
The night before yesterday I had spent all day at court sneakily rubbing massasge oil with lavander and black pepper aromatherapy oil into my thumbs. I think I smelled like an old lady ( apologies to old ladies world over!). I came home and thought: Right what am I going to make tonight? I logged on first and found a newletter from Yoga Journal had arrived with a link to this article about violence to the self. I read it and thought - you know what, it's not necessarily a waste of my time If I just lie on the sofa for one night and watch bad TV. So I did.
Then last night I spent it all dealing with various swaps I have signed up for at swap-bot. and sending some beatles stuff to a child of a quilter I met on line at the chat facilty of The Quilt Show. But I am back quilting today- I got three lines of quilting on a bag done whilst the crumpets were in the toaster for breakfast just now!
But time to battle rush hour on the motorway....