Friday, September 01, 2006


I found a new craft shop just 5 miles away in Billinge today. Just one basket of FQ's so far - its mainly card making and beading - but she is looking to expand into fabrics and quilting notions so I gave her a huge list of things I wanted selling on my doorstep. She is planning to set up a Staurday quilting group too which could be good.

Camera lead is still missing and even our superb cleaner couldn't find it so I went to get a new one. I rang the camera shop to check they had one was told yes but bring the camera in to check they sell me the right one. Got there 15 mins later, having paid fo rthe car park just to list them, and they tell me, no they don't have any and never did today. I told them I would buy from another shop that offered good service and got totally baffled looks all round! So it's on order from Curry's and hopefully I'll be back with pictures by the end of next week.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

One of these days I am going to go a whole post on the challenges of being a savvy and assertive consumer. Some service providers don't have a clue!