Diane in her
recent post set out a list of book recommendations. We have a lot of authors we like in common (e.g Elizabeth Berg, Joshlyn Jackson, Jeanne Ray, Judy Henricks, Michael Connolley and Jodi Picoult. But there were lots on her list that I'd better check out as we have overlapping tastes. Which if you read my post on clearing out you will know is just what I need - more books. I could get then from the library but then you have to give them back :( Plus I can't abide the feel of that plastic stuff they insist on covering them with.
In fact I have not read anywhere near as much fiction this year as I usually do becuase I have been so busy with the quilting and have accumulated a whole shelf of books on that. In fact I have to recognise that it is some kind of sickness I have, because I have in fact acquired another 7 just this week ( three borrowed, two gifts, two bought.)
So here is my list of some fiction to try if you have read everything on Diane's list together with some of my favourites from the quilting shelf:
Easy undemanding reads for bedtime or times of sicknessThe No 1 Ladies Detective Agency ( and the rest in the series) by Alexander Mc Coll Smith
Eleanor and Able - Annette Sandford
Romeo and Juila - Jeanne Ray
Good more literary novelsWe Need to Talk about Kevin - Lionel Shriver
Purple Hibiscus - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
My Cleaner- Maggie Gee
Disobedience - Naomi Alderman
Small Island - Andrea Levy
The Abortionists Daughter - Elizabeth Hyde
Love and other Impossible Pursuits - Alyelet Waldman
House of Sand and Fog - Andre Dubus III
Everything Anne Tyler has ever written
Books offering at least a hint of another cultureLondonstani - Gautam Malkani
Frangipanai - Celestine Hituara Vaite
Disobedience - Naomi Alderman ( winer of the Orange prize for first novel)
If you liked Ya Ya Sisterhood...Angry Housewives eating bonbons - Lorna Landvik
If you liked Bread Alone...The Baker's Apprentice - Judy Hendriks ( the sequel)
Sophie's Bakery for the Brokenhearted - Lolly Winston
All the Adriana Trigiani novels
Quilting books that go beyond the usual how to do tradtional blocks but still contain instructions for specific projectsQuilt Africa - Jenny Williamson and Pat Parker
Quilt Inspirations from Africa - Kaye England and Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Quilting books that show techniques but with no full projectsTextile art: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Manipulating, Colouring and Embelishing Fabrics
Circle Play - Reynola Pakuscich
Making Connections - Around the World with Log Cabin
Quliting Masterclass - Katharine Guerrier
Books helpful on design ( with excercises)Contemporary quilts - Design, Surface and Stitch - Sandra Meech
The Quilter's Book of Design - Ann Johnston
Gorgeous, gorgoeus, drool over coffee table gallery booksSpirit of the Cloth, Contemporary African American Quilts - Carolyn Mazloomi
Transitions - Nancy Crow
The Quilts of Gee's Bend: Masterpieces from a Lost Place - William Arnett et al
Art Quilts: A celebration - Robert Shaw
A book that I want to buy at a reasonable price - please email me if you are willing to sell me this because I can only find it at vastly inflated pricesLiberated Piecing - Gwen Marston
(If anyone has that book available and is not in the UK I will find a way to get currency to you or I could order another book you want for a similar price from Amazon and have it delivered to you and we can swap!)
Finally ( and especially for Diane who tells me she likes reading blogger's 'life dross' ( my phrase)) the neighbours worke us up this Sunday morning at 8.30 ( again) using power tools. Is it just me or is that unreasonable?!
Happy reading and if you are posting your lists do put a comment here so I can go and find them ( especially quilting books!)