A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fabric souvenirs
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Here we go again...

Kop-kops are not licorice flavoured. Licorice is disgusting. They are aniseed. Whcih is odd because I didn't know that until I googled 'kopkops flavour' for your edicfication, and I would have said that aniseed was disgusting too. But they are coated in sugar and I only eat them when my taste buds are Black Death-impaired so maybe that explains it. The same method of intensive research tells me that winter candy is also aniseed. How odd.
The shrimps are, disconcertingly for fish lovers, raspberry flavoured. Or more accurately, chemical-replicating-raspberry-flavour flavoured.
And, while we are having this trans-altantic conversation, could I just say: tootsie rolls. Iconic US product, referred to in mountains of literature. First experienced by this Brit last November. Huge disappointment. What's that all about? Small bits of chewy gloop. You have no standing to criticise kop-kops. Oh wait, the US is the home of Hershey Cookies and Cream chocolate is isn't it? I bow at your feet. Love that stuff. Can't get it here.
Or Top Deck. Now this really is a mystery. Top Deck is Cadbury's chocolate which, until they sold out this month to Kraft was a quintessential British Quaker company. They produce Dairy Milk chocolate and Dream white chocolate.. In South Africa you can get Top Dec, which is Dairy Milk with a layer of white chocolate ontop. No where else have I found this delicacy. Except inexplicably, in a supermarket in the tourist area of Paphos in Cyprus who import it. How come we don't get it here?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sweet clarification
Well it turns out you can get them online.
(Dad. Take note,)
Kopkops here, winter/cough candy here ( unwrapped!).
Note that the latter is not to be confused with these which are nasty.
And look - they even have pink foam shrimps! Surely you must get those in the States you being a nuk-le-ar power and all?
They ship to the States so you can be better prepared for the plague than I was. If you should place an order you also need to add Uncle Joes Mint balls, a delicacy made down the road in Wigan (arch rival of my home town St. Helens.) The factory is right next to the old court building and until the courts shifted across town, my arrival at work was often scented by this very distinctive smell of Uncle Joe Mint Balls. I do believe there is an entire retail shop dedicated to the product.
Anything else I can get off my death bed to educate you about? :)
Now, all members of my family who read my blog just ran for cover. Because, unlike you remaining people who only know the nice bits of me I show online, my family know that the statement 'I am not well' emanating from my lips is inevitably going to be followed by a long, high pitched moan-come-wail-come-attention-seeking-whinge... Eeeurrrrrghhhhhhh. I'm no-ooot we-eeeellll.
Only today it is a plain 'I am not well' without the siren sound because I can't fit it in between the chain sneezing. Chain sneezing is a new one on me. It is standing joke in our house that I sneeze in threes. Every time.
Not today.
I am sneezing in, well, there's no start and end to count from really, Just little pauses long enough to blow my nose or to threaten a whinge but no more. One sneeze starts at the back of the throat, right where it joins the top of the mouth, even before the other one has fully exploded from the nose.
It is exhausting.
It is like line dancing championships for the infected.
Toe, heel. Toe, sneeze, heel sneeze. Sneeze whinge sneeze, sneeze. Blow, turn. Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze....
All of which I am being forced to do to the sound track of Yo Yo Ma (who in China is actually called Ma Yo Yo which sounds like the Dame in Aladdin) and the Silk Route Orchestra playing the star spangled banner because Dennis thinks that this U-Tube clip of Mongolian and Turkmenistan artists playing their traditional instruments is fascinating. It sounds like the seven dwarfs are playing the high strings of a baby grand piano by hitting them with pickaxes. I may be mixing my pantomime metaphors here but you get the idea.
All of which brings me to Kop-Kops. Well, I know it does not get me there directly but the indirect but connected route takes some time and I can't fit it in between sneezes. Kop-kops are medicinal sweets known to cure all ill feeling no mater what it emanates from. (Save, that is diseases that have a diagnosable name other than 'virus' 'general infection' 'a bit of a bug' and 'something going around'.) I suspect I should not publicly announce that they are medicinal or the wonks in the Policy Directorate for Stupid Labelling Regulations at the EU will force a name change in the same way that Cough Candy is now sold as winter candy on the spurious grounds that it neither cures nor causes a cough.
But it does. Cure not cause that is. But only if the two types of sweets are delivered, in 4oz doses, at the same time, in separate white paper bags, turned over at the top, by a father returning home from work. It is well known Conway family magic. And that's why the ,"EEuuurrrgh" whinge is usually followed by a pathetically pleading "Daddy go get me kop-kops!)
But I fear that this time I am doomed to eternal illness for I cannot get the plea in between sneezes. I thought I might communicate my plight this way but of course I lost him at the first full stop. Or, given the decrepit nature of his computer, possibly a little before. So, I wonder - can you help?Please email him a request that he go get me kop-kops. His address is
PS. Do I sound mad today?
I am not mad.
I may have been up since the early hours overdosing on decongestant a little bit but I am not mad.
Oh and that winter candy stuff. The EU decrees that has to be sold wrapped now not in loose pieces shaken with a pleasingkly clunky sound from a big jar kept high up on a top shelf far, far away from the jelly babies. In case we catch germs. Do they really think that anyone eating a concoction called cough candy does not already have germs?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Channelling Deborah Boschert.
This close up gives a better idea of the colours.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Google alerts follow up
I don't like it.
Not only has Richard Gere not commented on my post, today I got alterted to my own obituary.
Yuyuan, Shanghai Old Town
In this area any westerner is going to be hassled to buy fakes. But I was highly amused that each time we went from the hotel it was,"watches, handbags, looeevooton,". When we were going back to the hotel loaded with bags of cheap pashmina, the same touts would run up, "You need suitcase?' Just walk on and they go away. Or we tried speaking French as they walked past. That confused some!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Using Google alerts
And so it was with Google Alerts. It turns out there is this neat little thingymajig that lets you see if other people are writing about you on the Internet. I should have known about this in the past because I commented on a post on Erica Spinks' blog about Mark Lipinski's magazine and he found it pretty quickly. But it was not until Ricky Tims left a comment on Brenda's blog that she mentioned that he probably used it too.
So I have been trying it out. So far I have been alterted to my own blog posts and the fact that a copy of one of my law books is on sale on ebay and that someone who is not me but has the same name was reluctant to be drawn into a planning permission debate. Yawn. Although I do think my namesake is sensible.
But I assume that the Mandarin Oriental also use it as they left a comment on my last post alerting me ( ha) to the fact that the development in Hong Kong that I thought would threaten their harbour views was going to be low rise. So I stand corrected. Although it remains the fact the harbour is much further from the Mandarin than from the Harbor Plaza where we stayed and is on a much busier road.
So anyway, I am having fun now wondering how many people I can drag here via Google Alerts?
Hi Ricky/Mark/The Mandarin/Brenda....hmm, Hi Michael Douglas. Hi Richard Gere, Hi, Patrick Dempsey..... oh I could go on all night... hi Meg Ryan ( that one was for Dennis) .....
Shanghai in the next post I promise.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Hong Kong architecture
Monday, February 01, 2010
Po Lin monastery
A lovely day out.
Silk in Hong Kong
Nope. I ended up in the flat of a very pleasant man, Angus Hardern, who keeps bolts of silk in his spare room and baskets of remnants under his dining room table. And sells them for give away prices. He also does very good mail order prices.