A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
City and Guilds - Texture 1
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Why not to shop in the New Year Sales
It's also the story of how it took me from 11.30 to 4pm to buy an MP3 except I've stuck to the worst highlights!
The first highlight was when after comparing goods in three stores ( none of whom actually put the salient information on the shelf sticker so you have to hunt down a teenager on their holiday job to try and get some product information) I bought a Cream MP3 on sale. I took it home, inserted the CD and wondered (a) why the rechargeable battery would not charge and why the instruction manual had entirely different pictures in it compared to the product. Answer: because it was an entirely different ( and of course) inferior product in the box.
Back to the shop. Excercised consumer choice and decided not to shop there again. So headed to Currys to be faced with a gridlocked town centre as every man and his dog headed for the sales. Smugly I drive the long way round on sneaky shortcuts to get to the out of town retail park which I assumed would be quieter as it had been earlier. Not so. people were now fighting over car park places. Literally!
Eventually I got in the shop and chose 2 substitutes. The MP3 players are displayed with a model tied with an alarmed wire to the (lack of) information display.
I found a salesman. "I'll have either of these two"
He vanished to the computer.
"We don't have the white one. The Prescot store has 5 of the black one but its not £59.98 as priced. Its only £29.98 now."
"Fantastic, I'll go there. Can you reserve it for me?"
Man vanished. Returns. "Prescot don't have 5. Speke have one."
"Fine. I'll go there. Can you reserve it?"
Man vanishes. Returns. "Speke don't have one."
"Can you sell me this display model?"
Man vanishes. Returns. "No. We've lost the box and USB wire for it."
"Can you recommend somthing else with similar fetaures?"
Man pauses. "Have you tried going next door to PC World?"
I look surprised and sweep my hand in the directionof the 30 or so display models. "You don't recommend any of these?"
"We don't sell most of them. You can tell because the price ends in .98 or .97. That means its a clearance model."
I examine my first choice. It ends in .98.
"So you don't actually sell this one at all?"
"No." He examined the card on the shelf then removed it and took out a biro. "But its not £59.98 any more. Its only £29.98." I watched him alter the price replace the card, resisted the urge to hit him and went to PC world!
The good news is that I have a reasonably priced MP3 albeit with a little less memory than I hoped but ample to transport quilting podcasts with me which is mainly what I wanted it for. That and for some pumped up music to run to in the gym. For which I need about 1KB memory given howfar I can run without collapsing!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas presents

Not my usual colours at all ad when you look at them individually they are hideous ( to my eyes) but that's OK because I told him to challenge me and I do like the end result so I obvously am about to learn about colour blending! There seems to be a theme going as I got this book too.
From my Mum this book
and this one from my sister.
And from my mother-in-law a large cheque so I can go online now and buy more quilting things. Yeah!!
I was asked by Erica which manufacturers the African Fabrics I posted last time came from. These two have no real marking on the selvage except that close to the selvage in the pattern selvage is the word Homeland which I am guessing may refer to Homeland Mart who seem to import African Fabrcis ( google Homeland fabric and the firm comes up).This one is The Riverbed by Benatex Style 1303
and this one has no clue at all.
They all came from www.craftsandquilts.net so if you emailed them and sent these photos as picture attachements I'm sure you could track thenm down or order online from them. The shop is closed for refurbishments to 14th Jan though.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
To reverse or not to reverse?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
My brilliant nephew
Neil: Sorry I couldn't get over to see you but the piano playing was FANTASTIC!!!! I am dead proud of you. Hope you like the blog. Keep beating Uncle Dennis at the games! Have a great Christmas
Auntie Helen.
PS I wanted to keep your Christmas presents from us but Uncle Dennis wouldn't let me!! You'll see what I mean on Monday!! :)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Bodecott Bear
He's kind of boss eyed and pigeopn toed but as he is going to my sister as a Christmas present and she is a bear collecting paediatric nurse I think he'll be in good hands.
I just think that perhaps I was over optimistic in making him as one of her main presents and that Bodecott's outing might be to go and buy a gift voucher for him to hold!!
PS I don't have orange walls - its actually a deep maroon red!
Postives and negatives
It looked worse when the finger bandage was on - the advantage of having a nurse in your quilting class.
2. Positive - I swapped to new Blogger this morning, disencouraged by the heavy hints from Blogger that my old blog was sadly out of date and encouraged by Brenda's account of having done so with her guild blog. Its easy peasy! (And for now with just minutes to go before I have to leave for work I am ignoring all new features so I don't know if its better or not).
3. Negative - my camera is playing up and is running batteries down at a daily rate if I leave them in so I have to take them out then try to track them down when I want to show you something. Very irritating as it is not that old a camera and certainly not a cheap one.
4. Positive - work is well underway on wall hangings for my newly decorated lounge. I bought a whole load of end of roll dupion silk at £7 per metre and challenged myself to just cut it all up and sew together (no patterns or templates) until it was all done and I had as many 36 x 36 quilts as I could get out of the material. These are the blocks for the first one, hopefuly to be sewn together later today.
5. Negative - My husband says that the European Center of Patchwork near Narbonne is the other end of the country from our planned city break in Paris next summer, far too far away ... and I know he is right but it will be nearer to Paris than it is to here and I want to go...!
6. Postitive - I found a patchwork shop by the Notre Damme to visit. Ha!
Friday, December 15, 2006
new blogger
Monday, December 11, 2006
At last!

In a few spare moments tonight I also started to play with possible blocks for a silk wall hanging for the lounge.

Friday, December 08, 2006
On a more positive notes
Blog frustration
Anyway here is what I can give you from Monday......
I may have been a poor blogger recently but I have been busy. Today my house was transformed into a film studio complete with blinding lights and two cameras no less trained on me as I recorded five seperate programmes for a legal training programme on the internet. ( Anyone sad enough to want to will in the next few days be able to few part of the broadcasts free on www.cpdchannel.com in their family law section There are such thrilling programmes as 'seven capital gans tax traps for family lawyers to avoid'... wow!)
I have also remembered how to knit with the patient help of my Mum who taught me in the first place when I was a child./ She rescued this scarf (ably modelled by Solomon our teddy bear) when I started out with twenty stitches and then realised that somehow I had twenty-seven. (Ribbon wool: note - take care not to knit through the yarn).

I've also been putting time into my seemingly never ending maple Leaf Quilt. This is the centre of the pieced back - it will have large green leaf borders

and this is the almost done front centre.

I plan to take this one to Bradford to use Chris Marriage's long arm quilter but shs is about to move to a new studio so her site www.fathers-heart.co.uk is available for viewing but not purchase at the moment and I won't be able to have a go on her machine until Feb or March. Tonight I plan to get all my books and photos of quilts out and decide what to do next - I need at least two wall hangings for the newly decorated lounge and it seems daft that I haven't yet made a quilt to go on our bed, so despite the temptation of such books as this recently acquired one I must focus!
By the way -can anyone tell me - do I want to change this account to the new blogger or is it just going to give me grief if I swap? Is it any better than the current one if I am not a techno geek?!