Monday, April 12, 2010


As promised, and with the permission of maker Jan Bevan, here is a photo of my favourite quilt from Trentham. It reminded me a lot of the Gees Bend quilt on the cover of this book ( which I highly recommend and was another one pressed on me by Ed at Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights) only with much better quilting.

In return for her permission I am happy to advertise an exhibition Jan has on. This is an exhibition of

"Paintings by Rosemary Abrahams with Textile Interpretations by Janet Bevan".  It runs from 27th March - 16th May, 10 - 5, at Sewerby Hall, Bridlington, YO15 1EA.


Deborah Boschert said...


Interesting format for a show -- paintings with quilts inspired by them.

Kristin L said...

I love that quilt! At first I thought it was yours and was going to say how you've really got it! Well, it's certainly someting for us to aspire towards. ;-) The simple piecing is enjoyable to look at and I absolutely adore the way the stitching seems to come and go from foreground to background depending on whether it's over the light or the dark. The designs are wonderfully rich and whimsical. Thank you so much for sharing.

June Calender said...

Does anyone else feel distressed by the circular quilting on the b/w quilt? For me it distracts from the strength of the design. I have lately found myself often distressed by too much quilting, or distracting quilting patterns on otherwise strong quilts. It seems to me the long arm world is destroying some quilters' sense of design. I hope I am not alone in this feeling, if I am it probably means I'm a bit nutty.