A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Well trained husband
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I am still alive...
Apropos of nothing: I just got an email from the Quilt Show with a section on rotary cutting safety advising me never to cut more than an arms length away from me. How do I do that? The cutter is in my hand at the end of my arm. How does it get to ever be more than an arms length from me?
Apropos of eye candy, at midnight last night ( I told you - sharing at awkward times!) I discovered the Fibrescene website which appears to be an almost endless source of eyecandy. I found it via Goggle images looking for fabric manipulation and got to Robert Hillestads knitted wear (Scroll down to find it), which together with Mary Giles' containers ( same page a bit further up) gave me a sudden burst of inspiration for an experimental embroidered panel and lead to rapidly firing sketches and notes on Zulu beaded shawls. African braided hair and Nigerian costumes. Why does this only happen in the early hours of the morning when I should really be asleep?
Finally the picture of the flower relates to nothing in this post at all but I hate pictureless posts and it was the only nice picture I have downloaded on this laptop. It is the clematis in my garden. Have a happy day today.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Malvern and Hereford
* PS. I've just looked again - the site I went to in fact said it was open April - October on Sundays.... WRONG! Do not use http://www.culture24.org.uk for your tourist info. of course if the cathedral website had actually been more than a front page only and if their opening hours were on their answerphone.....!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Quilts UK
On spontanetity and travel project ideas

Monday, May 11, 2009
Holiday project

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
What would you make?
I have an idea which could be done in at least three ways but I shall not reveal it until you , my faithful helpmates, have given me your ideas for I do not want to influence you or cramp your creativity, Besides, I suspect that you may come up with something better. So, should you choose to accept it, here is your challenge. You need to come up with a general idea for a project which meets the following criteria:
1. Requires minimal equipment
2. Is hand done
3. Is interesting enough and slow enough to last me three months.
4. Can have some initital preparation done at home before we leave
5. Ideally is something that will allow me to take a basic kit then add in items I buy as I go around the world researching quilt shops but is not dependant on me finding specific products which may not be available.
6. Is portable so I can take small parts of it out with me for the day in my handbag.
7. And finally - to really push it - has a design which, if I feel so inclined, I can adopt to reflect design inspirations I spot as I travel.
I'll give it a few days for this to trickle through people's blog readers and for me to get as many ideas as possible then I'll share my initial ideas.