A record of an art quilter's life. The site name comes from Natalie Goldberg's phrase 'falling down the well' to describe the experience of becoming immersed in the trance of writing (or other creative activity.)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Design wall
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Blog alteration
Back from Tunisia
.... so you have no design wall - why not trail threads over someone else's sofa back?! There was one woman from Stafford who kept sidling past having a good look and who is now on her way to her local craft shop because she now knows what to do with the FQ's she kept looking at ('such lovely colours'). The waiters are still trying to figure out what I was doing with a towel and a travel iron on their glass coffee table. And of course, once I got on a roll, I couldn't stop.. here I am at Monsatir airport...
... and again at baggage reclaim in Manchester on a Christmas quilt by now because the flying geese top (sans borders which still need to be bought) got finished on the plane!
This is a picture of a picture on the landing of our hotel ....( really I told you we did nothing sensible you could take pictures off! Ok we went to the Marina a few times to eat but it was too dark then for piccies!)... because even Dennis said it would make a good quilt. ( I think he is getting the quilting equivalent of Stockholm syndrome).
One final tale - we were in the swimming pool and we over heard some rather small but loud south ('sarth') Londonders trying to work out what 4 feet nine was in meters, presumably in relation to the pool depth markings. Dennis and I just looked at each other becuase (a) he is Mr Calculator Head and is known for blurting out impossible calculations at will without even realising he has done it and (b) because I am a mental arthimatic dunce.
"No, come on," he said, "Even you can do that now. That's a quilting calcualtion. Go on, try."
Now bear in mind that in order to do anything in my head I have to do Carol Vordeman like contortions and break it down into easy stages (Countdown - its a TV programme you don't mind missing if you are not British and don't get that reference!)
So I go, "OK. there's thirty nine inches in a meter. Twelve inches are a foot, so three feet is a meter plus cutting space. So six feet is two meters and that's loads more than four feet nine so the answer is two meters, that's plenty."
I think Dennis finally understands how every time I make a quilt my stash actually grows a bit!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Kaffe Fassett class
The class cost £65 which I think was expensive but I certainly don't berudge it. I did not get a whole ream of notes as I once did in a Dawn Cameron Dick class - the lessons learned were much more subtle and mostly by doing and being nudged rather than being lectured to. The main lesson I learned was to take my colours a little further round and deeper into the colour wheel than I am used to. It was also interesting to see how the same pattern came out in other people's fabrics - you can see some works in progress above and below..
My lesson was in adding colour - for other people it was taking it out and being willing to cut a little, stick it up on the board fast ( Kaffe's exact words were ' just run it up the bloody flag pole' )so you can see how it works and if necessary scrap it and go to something else.
I have been assembling the blocks today but am now so tired I have starte dto rotate the bocks as I sew which is my warning sign to stop. When eth borders are on I'll show you finished product. But, however it tuirns out I have proof that it has been touched by the master...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Festival of quilts part 1
Friday, August 17, 2007
Festival of quilts
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Paris - part 2
1. He doesn't mind going to the Musee D'Orsay all by hisself becuase you are more interested in seeing the potential quilting designs - I mean, African, Aboriginal and Oceanic art, at the Quay Branly. No photos are allowed in there but this is a picture of the reflection of the museum's panels in the windows of a nearby apartment block.
2. When he finds he can't get into the Musee D'Orsay because there is a two hour queue and it is now two hours before closing he goes instead to Brentano's American bookshop on Avenue L'Opera near the hotel. When he spies a handwritten sign saying that they have a new patchwork room he not only follows the sign but tells you about it on your later return to the hotel. Then, he comes with you to sit while you browse for an hour or so. (They have a very good collection of English specialist books together with some Japanese and a handful of French and German. Also knitting and crochet.)
3. He agrees to translate from French the five back copies of Quiltmania magazine you find on sale there. (I shall be subscribing as I was impressed with the quality of the magazine - it is also available in English, much to his relief.)

4. When, at eleven thirty on the last night you are reading the ads in the said magazine and squeal 'I've found another one' he asks what and doesn't visibly flinch when you say "Quilt shop of course!". He allows you to rearrange your last day's plans, comes with you, leaves you to browse and goes for an espresso at the bar around the corner and arrives back at the precise time you have chosen fabric and need translation. When you say 'Fabric is expensive here' whilst clutching two fat quarters, he tells you to buy a whole meter of each because you will only regret it when you go home without it.
(La Boutique du patchwork is just a few metro stops away from the tourist center of Paris (Rue Saint-Maur, not far from the cemeterty in which Jim Morrison is buried) and is a very good shop with a wide selection of all kinds of fabric including African which of course delighted me. However, fabric is much more expensive in France than here. Turns out they also sell on line.)
5. He is prepared to accept that 'Lets go to Monmartre today' really means lets get off the Metro at Barbes Rochechouart and wander around the African area in the tipping rain and only once says, "Aren't all these wax fabrics the same ones we looked at in Brixton?". (They were plus many more, but more expensive.)
Lest you think that he had a miserable time let me just say that the little boy inside him was very excited to ride the Noddy train through Montmatre ('toot,toot'). That's him leaning out waving!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Paris - part 1
Friday, August 03, 2007
Fabric mystery solved
Dear Helen:
We've found an answer to why the selvage name of the fabric does not reflect all later named collections of the fabric. The selvage on fabrics usually reflects the first name given it by the fabric-making company and is on the printing roll. The expense to re-tool the printing roll for additional colorways, even if in a collection later named by the company is cost prohibitive.We're glad your quilt turned out lovely and was appreciated by the recipients.
Be warned!!
There will now be another blog break as we head to Paris tomorrow for five days. I have the patchwork shop by Notre Dame on the agenda!