My novel is driving me nuts. Everytime I think the end of my first draft is in sight I find another loose end. It is making me think of book worms entirely differently. Rather than those friendly creatures, pictures of which librarians used to like me to colour in when I was a child I now see them as a kind of tape worm gobbling up ideas and energy and never ever dieing. Plus, the hours spent on the laptop are starting to take their toll on my eyes which makes me tired. So after a day of inching closer to the completed combined documents of all my chapters I decided some retail therapy was required.
So I went and found my Dad the picnic chair he wanted for Father's day as pictured above. Which took me to Ormskirk. In Ormskirk there is a Clark's shoes shop. Now how better to kill a tape/book worm than to stamp on it with new shoes? Plus I am about to visit a friend who lives in a field and she has warned me that I need 'walking shoes'. OK, she doesn't live in a field as such, but she lives in a beautiful house very close to one which leads down to a loch side and she was entirely unimpressed with my attempts on my last visit to pick my way across the shoreline rocks in strappy mules. So shoe shopping it was.
And these ones were right in the front of the store saying buy me, buy me, I will look great with the sun glinting off the loch onto my glittery bits.....

Oh and the novel - one and half chapters to go.... and one or too loose ends.... arrgh I feel more shopping coming on!