First I went with Diane to quilt retreat at Bishop's Ranch In Healdsburgh. beautiful views, scorching weather and a shady verandah from which to enjoy both...
Well no not really. After all this quilt was made by Diane for the retreat challeneg a couple of years ago, so I was forwarned.
After retreat I was able to spend an afternoon shopping and eating icecream sundae in Healdsburg and then we went to stay at Diane's parents in Los Altos so we could visit Pacific International Quilt festival. I enjoyed the time at the show and I really loved that, although I was so far from home, I kept bumping into people I knew, thanks to having met so many people at Ranch.
But the highlight was when I turned around and there was Annie Smith of Quilting Stash Podcast fame.
Squealies were emitted! And the real highlight?
She interviewed Diane and I for the podcast - its not up on the site yet but you can be sure I'll let you know when it is. Unless I sound as bad as I fear...!
Annie has a new book out and I was able to get an autographed pre-release copy.
When I was in San Fransisco last year I had a wonderful solo afternoon when I cycled, in glorious sunshine, over the Golden Gate Bridge. I passed and popped into, but did not stay to sit in, a cafe called the Warming Hut which sits in the lee of the Bridge. Later, I wished I had not been so concered about possibly being late to meet Dennis off the Sausalito Ferry and that I had lingered a while.The Warming Hut became a kind of symbol of that lovely trip and I incesantly requested to return with Diane. She later confessed than from the name she thought I was obsessing about some three sided walkers shack - but no. It's a proper beach side cafe and gift/ book shop. We lingered there for hours, dodging the rain showers, reading, eating and taking pictures, It was such a treat not only to be back there but to be there with someone else who appreciates sitting with a pile of quilt and cookbooks, just hanging out.
The next day and a half I had to myself in San Fransisco and put another regret to bed by visiting the Cheescake Factory up on the roof of Macy's over Union Square.
I did a lot of cookshop browsing and purchasing. Although Dennis e-vetoed this kettle.
What do you think? Did I have a momentary lapse of taste or shall I berate Dennis endlessly for making me leave it behind? In any event I made up for it elsewhere. Why oh why, do we not have Williams- Somoma in the UK? Their Danish filled pancake pan ended up in my suitcase amongst a host of other gadgety things.
Coming back through Schipol airport I found the duty free selling bulbs for a tulip strain named 'Happiness'.
What a suitable final purchase!
Coming back through Schipol airport I found the duty free selling bulbs for a tulip strain named 'Happiness'.
What a suitable final purchase!