So far, I have hidden my
out of control obsession passion for using filofaxes by keeping all my blogging about it as guest posts on the
Philofaxy blog. But maybe, it is time to come clean.....The great thing about the Philofaxy blog is that it makes having an
out of control desire requirement for owning multiple leather binders normal. The good folks over there are very social and like from time to time to meet up to discuss their
Addiction organisational skills. The tradition is that the attendees on such a meet up bring a filofax or two and a pile is made...
Like this

Except there was no meet up. They are all mine. Ooops. (And the A4 was still at work!)
Two are set up for pending 2013 use which means that two current ones will be retired as storeage binders, otherwise they are all in full use and so perfectly justifiable :)
I would name all the models except the only people who would care are the Philofaxy people who can do it themselves!
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.....
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.....
Great collection! I posted on FFAT (or maybe FFAF) the other week wondering how your line burst filo setup was going. I see it's still in the pile, so is that a good thing or a bad? (IIRC you were going to "upgrade" it if it worked for you)
Brilliant. Brave. Brilliant.
i dont own an actual leather filofax. :/ i have a hand me down A5 classic franklin covey that my husband gave me. though i feel this erge to buy me a leather lilac or dusty plum colored planner. but what would i do with another planner. love your pile though but what do you do with them, i mean you cant use them all can you?
"Use" can be a subjective word. I have a few myself.
That is a very attractive pile of fills you have :o)
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