Even with my house in a hopeless state of 'destroy to rennovate' disprepair, I cannot help but realise how much better off we are than the people whose homes hae been flooded in Quuensland. Accordingly I am particpating in the Queensland Flood Appeal auctions to raise money for the relief effort.
This quilt - now named Woomba Woomba (that being one of the names thought to be the original Aboriginal name for Toowoomba, one of the areas so badly affected and meaning Reeds in the Marsh) is for auction. It measures 31 1/2 inches by 49 12 inches and features both machine quilting and hand embroidery together with Aboriginal designed fabrics. It h as a 4 1/2 inch hanging sleeve

(As ths photo was taken in artificial light in a hurry this morning,the colours are more truly represented by the detailed shots) I will ttry to get a better photo up soon.
This is how it all works.
1. Bidding starts at $75 Australian
2. Place your bid by adding a comment here stating how much you are willing to offer to own Woomba Woomba.. Your bid must be greater than the previous bid.
3. All bids must be in whole dollar increments.
4. The auction is open to all and the price will include postage to any address worldwide.(Although I reserve the right to send by surface to a non-european address depnding on the cost).
5. The auction is now open and closes at midnight on the 24th of January 2011 (Sydney, Australian time).
6. I will contact the winner at the conclusion of the auction. The winner must commit to sending their bid to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal and provide an email receipt as evidence of payment. Non-austrailan donors can still donate by credit card using the online payment link or there is also information about how to do an international bank transfer.
7. Once I have evidence of payment Woomba Woomba will be posted to its new owner.
My thanks to Toni Coward for organising this and Brenda Gael Smith for drawing my attention to it with her quilt auction.
Oh Helen! Awesome quilt!
I'll start you off at $100AU! I would love to owe it but I will be out bid!
$200 AU
Great quilt, great cause. (Is changing a quilt name as sensitive as changing a boat name? Do you have to do a special ceremony?)
$250! Brenda, Now I'm stalking you! Grin!
$275 AU. would love to own quilt but also happy to be outbid for a wondeful cause.
$300 AU; final attempt!
Oooh a bidding war - how exciting. Any other offers anyone?
I bit $310. Greetings from France
$325AU and fingers crossed.
$330 for me.
This is beautiful! I bid $400.AU.
$405 for me.
Please note that although some blosg have altered their auction to be ending at 9pm Australian time I never did ammend my auction rules, so, to be fair to everyone who is competeing for my quilt, continue with the rules as posted - so you have another two hours and a bit to get your final bid in. I end midnight Australian time today.
The auction is now closed and I am delghted to have raised a good sum for a good cause. Baukje is the winner. Congratulations.
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